The pain is usually mild and, if necessary, fought by an analgesic and anti-inflammatory treatment. Otherwise, a consulting surgeon or
his team needed. The first big bandage will be removed between the 2nd and 5th
postoperative day. Beyond that, it is usually replaced by a lighter bandage for a few days. The ears will then appear swollen, with reliefs
masked by edema (swelling). Blue more or less important are sometimes present. This potential aspect should not worry: it is only temporary and does not compromise
absolutely not the final result.
A band of restraint and protection (type "banner tennis") must be worn night and day for fifteen
days, and then only at night for a few weeks. During this period, physical or sports activities with risk of contact should be avoided.
Exposure to cold is not recommended for at least two months because of the risk of frostbite because of the transient decrease in the sensitivity of the ear.
Within one to two months is necessary to assess the outcome. This is the time required for the tissues are relaxed and all of edema has evaporated, leaving clearly show the contours of the ear. After this time, only the scars will still be a little pink and hardened before fading.
The intervention will most often been effective in correcting anomalies and get ears normally positioned and oriented, although Plicata symmetrical, size and natural appearance, not bloated.
In most cases, the results are final. However, a recurrence of detachment (partial principle) may possibly occur in the medium term, which then require a small reoperation.
Overall, this simple intervention principle and its realization can usually effectively correct the unsightly appearance that constitute the protruding ears which are the subject, particularly in the school setting, frequent teasing or disparaging remarks may be behind school conflicts or psychological difficulties.
They may occur secondarily, for example due to unexpected reactions or scar tissue unusual phenomena. Thus we can sometimes observe a slight asymmetry between the two ears, small irregularities reliefs or kinking too prominent, a narrowing of the orifice of the ear canal, or a deep perception son.
These small defects, where they exist, are usually mild and do not attract attention. However, if they are still available at a small "touch" that will mostly under local anesthesia.
Otoplasty, although carried out mainly for aesthetic reasons, are nevertheless a real surgery, which involves risks
any medical procedure, however small it may be. We must distinguish the complications of anesthesia and those related to the surgery.
For anesthesia, during the consultation, the anesthetist inform himself the patient anesthetic risks. You should know that anesthesia in the body sometimes unpredictable, and more or less easy to control: the fact of using a fully qualified anesthetist, working in a surgical context that the risks have become statistically almost negligible. You should know, indeed, that the techniques, anesthetics and monitoring methods have made tremendous progress over the past twenty years, providing maximum security, especially when the operation is performed outside of the emergency and in a healthy person.
Regarding surgery: choosing a qualified and competent plastic surgeon, trained in this type of surgery, you limit these risks, without removing them completely. Fortunately, real complications are rare after otoplasty performed in the rules. In practice, the vast majority of happens without any problems and patients are fully satisfied with their results.
However, despite their rarity, you should be aware of possible complications:
postoperative bleeding: is it more important than a blood stain on the dressing (which has nothing to worry about), this may warrant further surgery to stop the bleeding at its source. Blood may also not externalize and give rise to a hematoma it is often preferable to evacuate.
skin necrosis: Exceptional, it sometimes occurs due to disturbance of traffic on the thin skin of the front of the house, next to a cartilaginous terrain. Healing occurs in rule through local dressings leaving a small scar.
Abnormal Scars: despite all the attention paid to the implementation of sutures, scars located behind the pinna may be the seat of inflammation and hypertrophy embarrassing, or even a "keloid" evolution (sustainability of scar hypertrophy) whose treatment is difficult.
In total there should not overstate the risks, but just be aware that surgery, even apparently simple, always has
a small share of hazards. The use of a qualified Plastic Surgeon ensures that it has the training and skill required to avoid these complications, or effectively treat the case
These are the pieces of information that we wanted to bring you in addition to the consultation. We recommend that you keep this document, read it again after the consultation and reflect "a clear head." This reflection may raise new questions for which you wait for additional information. We are available to talk during the next consultation, or by phone, or even on the day of surgery when we meet in any way before anesthesia.