The postoperative course can sometimes be painful the first few days, especially when implants are high-volume and especially if they are placed behind the muscles. Analgesic treatment adapted to the intensity of the pain will be prescribed for a few days. In the best case, the patient will feel a strong sense of tension.
Edema (swelling), bruising (bruises) and interferes with elevated arms are frequently the first time.
The first dressing is removed after a few days. It is then replaced with a lighter dressing. A bra can then be recommended day and night for several weeks.
Most of the time, the son of absorbable sutures are internal. Otherwise, they will be removed after a few days.
Should be considered a recovery with business interruption for a period of five to ten days.
It is advisable to wait one to two months to resume a sport.
Within two to three months is necessary to assess the final outcome. This is the time needed for the breasts have regained their flexibility and prostheses have stabilized.
The intervention has led to an improvement in the volume and shape of the breast. The scars are usually very discreet. Gain breast size has an impact on the overall silhouette, allowing greater freedom of dress. Beyond these physical improvements, the recovery of a full femininity often has a very beneficial effect on the psychological level.
. Stability result
Regardless of the life of the prosthesis (see below) and with the exception of the occurrence of a significant change in weight, breast size will remain stable in the long term. However, as regards the form and the "holding" of the chest, breasts "augmented" suffer like natural breasts, the effects of gravity and aging, with a variable speed depending on the age and supporting qualities of the skin, but also the volume of the implants.
Some imperfections may occur occasionally:
. asymmetric residual volume, incompletely corrected despite implants of different sizes;
. firmness too high flexibility and mobility deemed insufficient (especially with large implants);
. a somewhat artificial, especially in very thin patients, with too much visibility of the edges of the prosthesis, especially in the upper segment;
. conspicuity touch implants is always possible, especially when the thickness of the tissue cover (skin + fat + gland) covering the prosthesis is low (a
fortiori with large implants).
In case of dissatisfaction, some of these imperfections may be eligible for surgical correction after a few months.
. Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
After an introduction of breast implants, pregnancy is possible without danger, nor the patient or for the child but it is recommended to wait at least six months after surgery. Regarding breastfeeding, it is not dangerous and is possible in most cases.
. Autoimmune Diseases
The numerous international scientific work on a large scale this unanimously demonstrated that there is no more risk of developing this type of rare diseases in patients with implants (especially silicone) than in the general female population.
. Prostheses and cancer
In the current state of knowledge, we can say that breast implants, including silicone, does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
However, in the context of cancer screening after implantation, clinical examination and palpation may be affected especially if hull or periprosthetic siliconoma. Similarly, the presence of implants may hinder performance and interpretation of screening mammograms in regularly. It is therefore necessary to systematically identify yourself as breast implants. Thus, some specialized radiological techniques (special effects, digital images, ultrasound, MRI, etc..) May be used depending on the case. Moreover, if
doubt about the diagnosis of breast cancer, you should know that the presence of prostheses may require more invasive exploration for diagnostic certainty.
. Life implants
Although we can see some patients keep their implants decades without major changes, do not consider the implementation of breast implants as something definitive "life." Thus, A patient with implants can expect to eventually replace his dentures so that the beneficial effect is
maintained. Implants, whatever they are, have a life expectancy uncertain that it is impossible to estimate precisely because it depends on wear variable speed phenomena. The lifetime of the implants can not be guaranteed in any case.
It should be noted, however, that the new generation implants have made great progress in terms of strength and reliability. The notion of change required beyond ten years have
therefore justified with current prostheses which will be replaced when a problem is detected or justifying the opportunity to apply for aesthetic improvement of the patient (change in volume or shape, ptosis correction ...).
. Watch
It is essential to comply with the inspections prescribed by your surgeon in the weeks and months following implantation. Subsequently, the presence of implants does not relieve the usual medical supervision (gynecological care and screening for breast cancer), though it does not need to perform tests in addition to those related to such monitoring. It is necessary to specify all the various doctors involved that you are supporting breast implants.
Consultation monitoring specific to the implants, with your plastic surgeon is recommended every two to three years, but outside of this monitoring, it is especially crucial to come see if a change of one or both breasts is detected or after a violent trauma.
. Effusions, infection
- Hematoma: blood pooling around the prosthesis is an early complication that may occur during the first few hours. If it is important, a recovery in the operating room is preferable to drain the blood and stop the bleeding at its origin;
- Serous effusion, an accumulation of lymphatic fluid around the prosthesis is a fairly common phenomenon, often associated with significant edema. It simply results in a transient increase in breast volume. It disappears spontaneously and gradually;
- Infection: uncommon after this type of surgery. It can not be solved solely by antibiotics and then require reoperation for drainage and removal of the implant for a few months (time required before replace a new prosthesis without risk).
We can also mention three other specific forms of infection:
. late infection "low noise"
it is an infection with few symptoms and no obvious translation examination, which can sometimes occur several years after implantation;
. microabscesses:
more frequent, they thrive on a stitch and resolve quickly after removal of the offending wire and wound care;
. toxic shock syndrome:
in rare cases this widespread infectious syndrome have been reported brutal.
. Skin necrosis
It is the result of a lack of tissue oxygenation due to insufficient blood supply located, which can be promoted by excessive tension, hematoma, infection and heavy smoking in the patient. It is a rare but dreaded complication because, in the extreme, it can locally to expose the prosthesis, including a dehiscence. Revision surgery is often required, sometimes the need to temporarily remove the implant.
. Abnormal healing The healing process involving fairly random phenomena, sometimes the scars are not ultimately as discreet as expected, can then take very different aspects adherent retractable extended,, hyper or hypopigmented, hypertrophic (swollen) or exceptionally keloids.
. Altered susceptibility
They are frequently the first few months but eventually most of the time by regressing. Rarely, however, a certain degree of dysesthesia (decrease or exaggerated sensitivity to touch) may persist, especially at the areola and nipple.
. Galactorrhea / effusions milk
It has been reported in very rare cases of unexplained postoperative hormonal stimulation, resulting in secretion
milk ("galactorrhea"), sometimes with a collection of fluid around the prosthesis.
. Pneumothorax
Very rare, it will benefit from a specific treatment.
. Risks specifically related to implants
. Formation of "folds" or aspect of "waves"
The implants are flexible, it is possible that their envelope folds and these folds are perceptible to the touch, even visible under the skin in certain positions, while giving an appearance of waves.
. "Cases"
The physiological constant and normal reaction of the human organism in the presence of a foreign body, is to isolate it from surrounding tissue by forming an airtight membrane that will surround the implant and is called "periprosthetic capsule." Normally, this membrane is thin, flexible and imperceptible, but sometimes the reaction is amplified and the capsule thickens, becomes fibrous and retracts compressing the implant, then taking the name of "shell". Depending on the intensity of the phenomenon, it may result in: a simple tightening of the breast, sometimes embarrassing constriction or visible deformation of the prosthesis with globulization leading to extreme hard sphere, painful, more or less eccentric. This retractile fibrosis is sometimes secondary to hematoma or infection, but most of the time its occurrence is unpredictable, resulting in random organic reactions.
Much progress has been made in recent years in terms of surgical techniques, but also design and forming implants, resulting in a substantial reduction in the rate of shells and their intensity. If necessary, reoperation may correct such contracture section of the capsule ("capsulotomy").
. Out
We have seen that the implants can not be considered definitive. A sealing of the casing may thus loss
occur over time. It may be a simple porosity of puncture openings of microcracks or outright breaches. This can be very rarely the result of a violent trauma or accidental puncture and, more often, the result of gradual wear of the surface due to seniority. In all cases, the result is a possible outcome of the product
filling of the prosthesis, with different consequences depending on the nature of the content:
. with saline or absorbable hydrogel, there is a fast or slow or partial deflating;
. with silicone gel (non-resorbable), the latter will remain contained within the membrane which isolates the prosthesis. This can then facilitate the emergence of a shell, but can also remain without consequence and go unnoticed. In some cases become much more rare (especially because of the better "cohesiveness" of current gels), however it can be a gradual penetration of the gel into the surrounding tissue. The prosthetic rupture necessary, in most cases, an intervention to change the implants.
. Malposition
Incorrect positioning or secondary displacement of implants, which can affect the shape of the breast can sometimes justify surgical correction.
. Rotation Although rare in practice the pivot prosthesis "anatomical" is theoretically possible and may affect the cosmetic result.
. Deformation of the chest wall
In rare cases, implants with capsular, long left in place, can "print" in lestissus, leaving in their removal deformation of the chest wall difficult to correct.
In total there should not overstate the risks, but just be aware that surgery, even seemingly simple, still a small share of hazards.
The use of a qualified Plastic Surgeon ensures that it has the training and skill required to avoid these complications, or effectively treat as appropriate.
These are the pieces of information that we wanted to bring you in addition to the consultation. We recommend that you keep this document, read it again after the consultation and reflect "a clear head." This reflection may raise new questions for which you wait for additional information. We are available to talk during the next consultation, or by phone, or even on the day of surgery when we meet in any way before anesthesia.